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Best Ayurvedic Medicines for Obesity


Obesity can be defined as condition of being overweight in which excessive fat gets accumulated on adipose tissues. Obesity can be treated with Ayurvedic herbal medicines very effectively without any side effects. Obesity is increasing at alarming rate among people.

Reasons of obesity

The main reasons that are responsible for weight gain are,increased intake of more energy-dense,nutrient poor foods with high levels of sugar and saturated fats and reduced physical activity. People are taking more calories than required by body. Moreover the extra calories are not utilised in form of physical exercise. Over the time this causes weight gain and problem of obesity.

Risk associated with Obesity

Obesity increases risk of many diseases such as type 2 diabetes,cardiovascular disease,hypertension and stroke,certain forms of cancer especially the hormonally related and large-bowel cancers and gallbladder disease. Overweight and obesity lead to adverse metabolic effects on blood pressure,cholesterol,triglycerides and insulin resistance. This condition also causes respiratory difficulties,chronic musculoskeletal problems,skin problems and infertility. The risk of developing Type 2 diabetes and hypertension rises steeply with increasing body fat.

The most common method to assess this chronic condition is by using BMI. Body mass index (BMI),is defined as the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in metres (kg/m2). A BMI over 25 kg/m2 is defined as overweight,and a BMI of over 30 kg/m2 as obese.

Therefore it is very important to manage weight. For which many steps should be taken. The most effective way is to make dietary and lifestyle changes. Regular exercise such as brisk walking,swimming,asana and paranayam should be included in daily regime. Fast food,junk foods,pizza,cold drinks and high calorie food should be excluded from diet. Well balanced diet rich with fruits and vegetables should be included.

There are certain Ayurvedic medicine that are helpful in obesity.

Ayurvedic medicine to treat obesity

Mederma Advanced Scar Gel


Mederma Advanced Scar gel is skin care product from Merz Pharmaceuticals. This gel is useful in lightening scar narks caused due to many reasons like Surgery,Injury,Burns,Acne,Stretch marks. Mederma gel application improves the colour,texture,and overall appearance of scars.


Here is given more about Mederma Advanced Scar gel such as indication/therapeutic uses,Key Ingredients and direction for use.

Key Ingredients of Mederma Advanced Scar gel

Inactive Ingredients:Water (Purified),PEG 200,Alcohol,Xanthan Gum,Allium Cepa (Onion) Bulb Extract,Lecithin,Methylparaben,Sorbic Acid,Panthenol,Sodium Hyaluronate,Fragrance.

Active Ingredient:Allantoin 0.5%

Uses of Mederma Advanced Scar gel

  • Remove Scars in 8 weeks
  • Useful in new and old scar
  • Temporarily protects and helps relieve chapped or cracked skin

How to use Mederma Advanced Scar gel

This is for external use ONLY.

Apply a thin layer of Mederma Advanced Scar Gel. Gently massage on scar till there is no shiny,wet or sticky feeling left. If your skin appears to be dry or is flaking after application you might be using too much. Try using a little less product or gently cleansing the area with mild soap and water before a fresh application.

It is recommended to use this product once a day regularly for eight weeks on new scars and once a day for 3-6 months on existing scars,for good results.

Begin using Mederma Advanced as soon as new skin has formed,typically two or more weeks after the injury or surgery. Make sure the scab has come off naturally and any stitches have been removed. On older scars you may start using Mederma immediately. Do not apply to broken skin.

Melas Skin cream


Melas Skin cream is polyherbal Ayurvedic proprietary cream from Eli Pharmaceuticals. The cream is for external application on hyper pigmented or dark skin and Scars. Its regular use on melisma and scar help to lighten the scars and darkened skin. This cream containshaldi,chandan,amla,tulsi,aloe,neem,gulab and cream base.

Here is given more about Melas Skin cream such as indication/therapeutic uses,Key Ingredients and direction for use.

Key Ingredients of Melas Skin cream

Haldi 15%,Chandan 5%,Tulsi leaves 3%,Aloe 5%,Amla 10%,Neem oil 3%,Rose flower%,and cream base

Uses of Melas Skin cream

  • Melasma (dark pigmentation of the skin)
  • Hyper Pigmented skin
  • Pimples,acne
  • Scars on skin

How to use Melas Skin cream

This is for external use ONLY. Apply on affected areas and massage gently.

Karpooradi Thailam Benefits, Ingredients, Dosage


Karpooradi Thailam is Ayurvedic medicated oil. It is a pain relieving oil and used externally on painful joints,swelling and inflammation. Karpooradi taila/oil is prepared using two medicinal herbs viz. Trachyspermum ammi(Ajowan) and Cinnamomum camphora (Camphor). The base oil iscoconut oil.

Here is given more about Karpooradi Thailam such as indication/therapeutic uses,Key Ingredients and how to use.

Key Ingredients of Karpooradi taila

Trachyspermum ammi Ajamoda 600 gm,Cinnamomum camphora Karpooram 120gm,Coconut Oil 1litre

Uses of Karpooradi Thailam

  • Muscle stiffness,cramps
  • Joint pain,back pain
  • Inflammation
  • Gout,arthritis,rheumatism
  • Massage oil
  • Leg pain

How to use Karpooradi Thailam

This is for external use ONLY. Warm Oil and apply on affected areas and massage gently.

Ban Labs Cutfar Ointment


This is an Ayurvedic topical ointment, made with herbs like vipadikahar malam and jatyadi oil. Vipadikahar Malam & Jatyadi oil gives high occlusive effect and creates layer on the skin which give smooth and supple skin. While the vipadikahar malam heals chilblains, cuts and ichthyosis, it also acts as a disinfectant and prevents infections. It promotes the tissue repair process and enhances healing. Jatyadi oil is known for its soothing antiseptic, anti-bacterial and emollient action while it heals erythema.

Active Ingredients

  • Vipadikahar Malam 25% w/w
  • Jatyadi Oil 1% v/w
  • Ointment Base q.s.to.100%

Usage of Ban Labs Cutfar Oinment

  • Cuts & Wounds
  • Abscess
  • Chilblain
  • Injuries
  • Erythema
  • Skin Rash

Direction for use Cutfar Oinment

Apply Cutfar gently 2-3 times a day of affected part Or As directed by the Physician.

Vasu Step Capsules


Herbal ingredients of Step Capsules has an inhibitory effect on pathogens causing respiratory tract infection. Step increases chemotaxis of polymorphs at the site of infection. Clears chronic and stubborn infections. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-exudative properties. No resistance or side effects observed.

Key Ingredients Ingredients

Yashtimadhu, Guduchi, Kantakari, Tulasi, Bharangi, Triphala, Guggulu, Parijatak, Kalajaji, Sariva, Haridra, Gandhak Rasayan, Godanti Bhasma, Swarnamakshik Bhasma, Kasis Bhasma.

Indications for Step Capsules

Acute and chronic upper respiratory tract infection and allergic cough.


1 – 2 Capsules 2 times a day.

Ayurvedic medicines to treat Abscess


Abscess(foda in Hindi) is collection of puss in side body tissues. These are mainly caused by bacterial infections. Common symptoms if abscess are redness, heat, swelling, pain and loss of function. This can be fatal and requires serious medical procedures is not treated properly in early stage.

In Ayurveda there are many procedures and medicines are available to treat this. Treatment and medicines are given according to condition and type of Abscess. In many people small Abscess are recurring on surface of skin like boils.

For people with abscess,  Ayurveda has some good medicine which can help to treat this by boosting immunity.

Himalaya Septilin

This medicine improves body immunity, It has immunomodulatory, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Septilin is beneficial in management of allergic disorders of the upper respiratory tract, skin and soft tissue infections. It helps in elimination of bacteria through phagocytosis. Take this medicine 1-2 tablets twice/thrice a day for one month. It is safe and has no side effects.

Kanchnar Guggulu

Kanchnar Guggul is ayurvedic medicine which is used in treatment of thyroid diseases and glandular enlargements. It is also very effective in treatment of skin diseases, wound healing. Take 2 tablets thrice daily with a spoon of honey For Adults and Children above the age of 12 years only. Not to be taken in pregnancy.

Vasu Step Capsules

This medicine clears chronic and stubborn infections. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-exudative properties. No resistance or side effects observed. This medicine is also very good for respiratory tract infection. Take 1 – 2 Capsules 2 times a day.

Ban Labs Cutfar Ointment

It is an Ayurvedic topical ointment, made with herbs like vipadikahar malam and jatyadi oil. Vipadikahar Malam & Jatyadi oil gives high occlusive effect and creates layer on the skin which give smooth and supple skin. While the vipadikahar malam heals chilblains, cuts and ichthyosis, it also acts as a disinfectant and prevents infections. Apply Cutfar gently 2-3 times a day of affected part Or As directed by the Physician.

Silverex ointment


Silverex ointment is a broad spectrum anti-microbial cream containing Silver sulfadiazine. Silver sulfadiazine has broad antimicrobial activity. It is active against gram-positive,gram-negative bacteria,some yeasts and fungi. The silver salt acts mainly on the cell wall and membrane to disrupt its integrity thus allowing it to impair the essential enzymes,bacterial DNA and RNA leading to cell death.

Silver sulfadiazine slowly releases sulfadiazine and up to 10% of sulfadiazine may be absorbed by body. Therefore it is contraindicated in many conditions. Silverex ointment is applied for treating and prevention of infection in severe burns.

Compostion of Silverex cream

Silver sulphadiazine 1% w/w,chlorhexidine gluconate 0.2% w/w

Uses of Silverex Cream

  • Cuts,wounds,burns
  • Superficial bacterial infections
  • Herpes zoster,post-operative prophylaxis
  • Bed sores and ulcers

The cream is a topical antibiotic and used in the treatment of dermatological diseases. It should be applied on affected area one to two times a day.

The cream in contraindicated in hypersensitivity to sulphonamides,premature infants and infants below age of 2 month,pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Amritadi Guggulu Benefits, Ingredients, Dosage


Amritadi Guggulu is polyherbal classical Ayurvedic medicine. This medicine is mainly indicated in Vata Rakta. Vatarakta is a Vata vyadhi and referred as Gouty Arthritis. This formulation is blood purifier and laxative which balances deranged vata.


Amritadi Guggulu is also useful in treatment of chikungunya, a viral disease transmitted by mosquitoes bites. The symptoms of chikungunya are pain in joints, muscles, Inflammation of hands, feet, fever and rash.

Here is given more about Amritadi Guggulu such as indication/therapeutic uses, Key Ingredients and dosage.

Key Ingredients of Amritadi Guggulu

Guduchi, Guggul, Amla, Harad, Baheda, Dantimool, Trikatu, Via vidang, Triphala, Dalchini, Nishoth

Uses of Amritadi Guggulu

  • Gout, Arthritis
  • Amavata (Rheumatoid arthritis, vata carrying ama into the joints)
  • Excessive uric acid in blood
  • Inflammation, swelling, joints and limbs
  • Piles, Haemorrhoids, bhagandar
  • Loss of appetite
  • Leprosy, Digestive Impairments
  • Chikungunya

Dosage of Amritadi Guggulu

2-6 tablets twice a day with hot water or Giloy decoction or Kadha or as directed by physician. The exact dosage depends of age, strength and condition of person.

Roghan Babchi or Babchi oil


Roghan Babchi is seed oil of Babchi/ Bakuchi or Psoralea corylifolia, family Papilionaceae;Fabaceae. The seeds oil of Bakuchi plant is useful in leucoderma, vitiligo, leprosy, psoriasis and inflammatory diseases of the skin.

Ingredients of Roghan Babchi

Psoralea corylifolia (Babchi) in Sesamum indicum Oil (Tilli)

Uses of Roghan Babchi

  • Leucoderma
  • Psoriasis
  • Hypopigmentation or loss of skin colour
  • Leprosy, skin diseases

How to use Roghan Babchi

This oil is for external use only. Apply on affected skin area and expose to sunlight.

Roghan Suranjan


Roghan Suranjan is a Unani medicated oil which is applied externally on painful joints, gouts, lumbago and similar conditions. This oil is available from Hamdard Laboratories.

Ingredients of Roghan Suranjan

Aplum graveolens seeds 100 grams Swertia chirata 50 grams, colchicum autumnale, Sesamum indicum oil 1350 ml

Uses of Roghan Suranjan

  • Paralysis, facial paralysis lumbago, sciatica
  • Pain, swelling and inflammation due to acute Gout, Arthritis and Rheumatism

How to use Roghan Suranjan

This is for external use only.

Apply on the affected body area and massage gently two-three times a day.

Sooktyn Tablets for Hyperacidity


Ayurvedic Sooktyn Tablets are product from Alarsin. This medicine is very useful in treatment of hyperacidity and other digestive disorders like Gastritis,Duodenal andGastric Ulcers. This is one of the best Ayurvedic medicine to treat acidity.

It Detoxicates the digestive tract. Free from drawbacks of current synthetic drugs,antacids,H2 blocking agents etc.

Ingredients of Sooktyn

  • Sookty Bhasma – 112.5
  • Kapur Kachli – 80.0
  • Jatamansi– 40.0
  • Ganthoda – 30.0
  • Khurasani Ajvayan – 30.0
  • Kelpan Rakh – 30.0
  • Vachha – 10.0
  • Datura Pan – 5.0
  • Excp q.s

Indication of Sooktyn Tablets

  • Hyperacidity,Flatulence,dyspepsia,Nausea,Vomiting,Heart burn,Gastro-cardiac symptoms,Duodenal and Gastric ulcers,Gastric irritation and erosion.
  • In Pregnancy:morning sickness,Nausea,Vomiting,Excessive salivation,Heart burn.
  • Children:Gripe symptoms,Loss of appetite,Hard stool.
  • In Dental Practice:Oral acidity,indigestion and acidity due to masticating difficulties,due to wearing of Dentures and Appliances.
  • As adjuvant to:analgesics,anti-biotics,anti-inflammatory drugs etc.,to minimize the side effects like gastric irritation and loss of appetite etc.
  • In Liver diseases:to complement and potentiate selected line of treatment,sluggish liver.
  • Exerts action throughout the length of the gut and allows thorough elimination of unabsorbed residues and assures normal peristalsis.

Dosages of Sooktyn

  • 2 tablets 3 to 4 times a day between meals.
  • In severe and acute symptoms take 3 to 6 tablets mixed with water,in a single dose. Dose can be repeated as and when required till symptoms subside.
  • For children,
  • 1/2 to 1 tablet mixed with water or milk 3-4 times a day.

Charak Alsarex Tablet


Alsarex Tablet is an Ayurvedic medicine from Charak pharmacy. This medicine is very good remedy for acid peptic disorders. It is a natural antacid and antiulcerant. Alsarex not only reduces the acid secretion but also strengthens the mucosal defence. Amla reduces the hypersecretion of acid. Asparagus racemosus( shatavari) increases mucosal defensive factors. Glycyrrhiza glabra(Mulhethi) in Alsarex has anti-H.pylori activity, which further improves the results and also prevents recurrence of ulcers.

Uses & Health benefits of Alsarex Tablets

  • Gastric ulcer, Duodenal ulcer, Non-ulcer dyspepsia.
  • As a co prescription with NSAIDS to prevent mucosal erosion in stomach and duodenum.
  • Fast relief of Ulcer Pain
  • Reduces hypersecretion of acid and neutralizes excessive acid
  • Relieves nausea, vomiting and acid regurgitation.
  • Accelerates ulcer healing process

Active Ingredients

Each coated tablet contains

Powder of herbs

Extracts of the following

  • Amalaki (Emblica officinalis) - 75 mg
  • Yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra) - 75 mg
  • Usheer (Andropogon muricatus) - 37.5 mg
  • Oudumbar (Ficus glomerata) - 37.5 mg
  • Lodhra (Symplocos racemosa) - 37.5 mg
  • Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) - 37.5 mg
  • Triphala - 37.5 mg

Dosage & Administration

Two tablets 2-3 times a day with a bland diet for three to six weeks.

Jambavasava For Diabetes & Boosting Immunity


Jamun twak based Ayurvedic Jambavasava is a herbal preparation useful in management of diabetes. The key ingredient in Jambavasava is Jambu or Jamun twak (Bark). The botanical name of Jamun is Syzygium cuminii or S. jambolanum and it is a scientifically proven medicinal tree for controlling blood sugar levels. The bark of tree contains bitasitosterol, which is known to be hypoglycaemic and hypocholesteraemic.

Here is given more about Jambavasava such as indication/therapeutic uses, Key Ingredients and dosage.

Key Ingredients of Jambavasava

Jambavasava (Abhay Ayurvedic Pharmacy) Jamun Ark 50 gm, Rasana 25mg, Erand mul 10mg, Punarnava 10mg, Gokharu 10mg, Shunthi 10mg, Vacha 10mg, Askand 10mg, Shatawari 10mg, Lodhra 10mg, Dhataki 10mg, Mandoor Bhasma 10mg

Uses of Jambavasava

  • Useful in diabetes management
  • Blood Sugar Management
  • Good for digestive system
  • Improves body immunity and haemoglobin level
  • Reduces excretion of glucose into the urine (glycosuria) and high blood sugar level in blood (Hyperglycemia)

Dosage of Jambavasava

Two tablespoon with equal quantity of water in morning empty stomach and one hour before dinner, twice a day or as directed by physician. In case of diabetes always use controlled diet & life style otherwise no medicine will work.

Niruryadi Gulika For Diabetes & Strength


Niruryadi Gulika is an Ayurvedic formulation useful in management of diabetes. This medicine has hypoglycaemic and anti-diabetic properties. Niruryadi Gulika effectively reduces blood sugar level and also nourishes body. This improves strength and overall well-being.

Here is given more about Niruryadi Gulika such as indication/therapeutic uses, Key Ingredients and dosage.

Key Ingredients of Niruryadi Gulika

Equal amount of Niruri Phylanthus reticulate Root, Saptachakra Salacia chinensis Root, Nirmali Strychnous potatoum Fruit, Imli Tamarandus indica Bark of Seed, Haritaki Terminalia chebula Fruit rind, Vibhitaki Terminalia belerica Fruit rind, Amalaki Emblica oficinalis Fruit rind, Kapitha Limonia acedecima Niryasa (Resin), Kumud Nymphea alba Seed, Ayaskant Magnetic iron Bhasma, Gairic Ochre Bhasma, Haldi Curcuma longa Rhizome Daruharidra Berberis aristata Root, Chandan Santalum album Heart wod, Sharkara Sitopala Powder, Udumbar Ficus Glomerata Bark and Samudraphen - Cutle fish bone

Uses of Niruryadi Gulika

  • Indicated in diabetes
  • Reduces the associated symptoms such as polyuria, fatigue, constipation, dryness of mouth, excessive thirst and sweating
  • Reduces fasting blood sugar level
  • Improves strength and nourishes body

Dosage of Niruryadi Gulika

2 tablets (each 500 mg) with lukewarm water twice a day before meal or as directed by physician. In case of diabetes always use controlled diet & life style otherwise no medicine will work.

Kathaka Khadiradi Kashayam


Katak Khadiradi Kashyayam is a Ayurvedic medicine which is useful in effectively managing diabetes and reducing the associated symptoms such as polyuria, fatigue, constipation, dryness of mouth, excessive thirst and sweating. Katakakhadiradi Kashayam is prepared form about twelve herbs and have anti-diabetic properties. Kathakakhadiradi kashaya is very useful in diabetic carbuncles and diabetic infections.

Here is given more about Kathaka Khadiradi Kasaya such as indication/therapeutic uses, Key Ingredients and dosage.

Key Ingredients of Katakakhadiradi Kashayam

Equal amount of each ingredients: Katak Strychnous potatorum Seed, Khadir Acacia catechu Heart wood, Amalaki Embelica oficinalis Fruit rind, Saptachakra Salacia chinensis Root, Daruharidra Berberis aristata Bark, Laajwanti Mimosa pudica Whole plant, Chota pashanbheda Homonoia riparia Rot, Haldi Curcuma longa Rhizome, Pata Cisampalo-us pareira Rhizome, Aam Mangifera indica Sed, Haritaki Terminalia chebula Fruit rind, Nagarmotha Cyperus rotundus Rhizome

Uses of Katakakhadiradi Kashayam

  • Effective medicine in managing diabetes
  • Reduces symptoms of diabetes
  • Anti-hyperglycaemic effects
  • Rasayana properties that improves body immunity and overall well being

Dosage of Kataka khadiradi Kashayam

10- 20 ml twice a day before meal or as directed by physician. In case of diabetes always use controlled diet & life style otherwise no medicine will work.

Acidinol(BAN Lab) for Acidity


Acidinol is a herbal Ayurvedic medicine which is one of the best medicine for treatment stomach acidity and disorders occurred due to acidity. Acidity can cause diseases involve a variety of disorders that can affect the esophagus, stomach and duodenum and these diseases also decrease the quality of life and productivity of afflicted patients.

Acid from the stomach refluxes into the esophagus and cause heart burn.  Heart Burn can be described as a burning sensation of mid-chest discomfort moving up toward the throat and neck. This condition can also cause other symptoms some are given below.

Symptoms of acidity

Burning Sensation and Pain in the Stomach After One to Four Hours of A Meal, Feel Hungry Frequently, Constant Pain in Upper Abdomen, Belching, Nausea, Bitter Taste in Mouth, Vomiting and Loss of Appetite, Burning Pain in the Chest.

Key Ingredients of Acidinol

5 ml of Acidinol syrup contains

  • Yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra Ext.) - 50mg
  • Giloy(Tinospora cordifolia) - 50mg
  • Parval Pan (Trichosanthes dioica) - 30mg
  • Triphala(Emblica offcinalis, Terminalia bellirica & Terminalia chebula) - 100mg
  • Pitapapdo (Fumeria indica)- 40mg
  • Adusi pan (Adhatoda vasica) – 40mg
  • Neem chhal (Azadirachta indica) – 40mg
  • Kariyatu (Swertia chirata) – 40mg
  • Daruhaldi (Berberis aristata) – 20mg
  • Chitrak (Plumbago zeylanica) – 20mg
  • Indrajav (Holarrhena antidysenterica) – 20mg
  • Satavari (Asparagus racemosus) – 20mg
  • Dahamaso (Fagonia arabica) – 20mg
  • SarjikaKshar (Sodiumbicarbonate) – 80mg

Dosage of Acidinol

One to two teaspoonful(s) three to four times as needed orally after every meal. This medicine also comes in for of tablet and take 1 tablet 3 time a days after meal. In case of chronic acidity take this medicine for 4 weeks. This medicine is safe and their is no adverse side effects.

Acidinol can be used in the long term heartburn associated with peptic ulcer.

Dasamulakatutrayadi Kwatham


Dashmula katutrayadi kashaya is polyherbal Ayurvedic decoction. Decoction or Kadha is also known as Kashay. This Ayurvedic formulation contains dashmool/ten roots, vasa and trikatu. Trikatu is three pungent viz. Pippali, Maricha and Sunthi. The combination of these medicinal herbs is excellent in curing respiratory illness.

This medicine is useful in treatment of respiratory problems, sinus allergy and fever. It decreases aggravated vata and kapha in body. Dasamula katutrayadi kasaya has mucolytic, anti-inflammatory properties.

Here is given more about Dasamoola Katutrayadi Kashayam such as indication/therapeutic uses, Key Ingredients and dosage.

Key Ingredients of Dashmulakatutrayadi kwatham

Dashmoola or ten roots (equal amount of each), Trikatu (equal amount of each ) and Vasa

Uses of Dasamulakatutrayadi Kashaya

  • Cough, Asthma
  • Dyspnoea or difficult breathing
  • Post-delivery problems
  • Vata roga
  • Sinus allergy
  • Fever
  • Similar respiratory conditions

Dosage of Dasamulakatutrayadi Kashaya

Dasamulakatutrayadi Kashaya is a concentrated decoction prepared by boiling medicinal herbs in water. Generally dosage of Kasaya preparation is twelve ml, which should be diluted with sixty ml water, and taken twice a day.

Dashmoola Kwath


Dashmula Kwath is polyherbal Ayurvedic decoction containing Dash Mula or ten roots. This decoction has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and pain-relieving properties. It balances deranged vata and kapha.

Dashmoola kwath is also given for treating post-delivery disorders. It is a very useful medicine for treating excessive thirst, anaemia, pain in pelvic region, pain in body, low appetite, and fever that occur after delivery.

Here is given more about Dashmoola Kwath/Kwatham or Kashay such as indication/therapeutic uses, Key Ingredients and dosage.

Key Ingredients of Dashmoola Kwath

Aegle marmelos (Bilwa), Premnain tegrifolia (Agnimantha), Oroxylum indicum (Shyonaka), Stereospermum suaveolens (Patla), Gmelina arborea (Kashmiri), Desmodium indicum (Shaliparni), Urari alagopoides (Prishniparni), Solanum indicum (Brahati), Solanum xanthocarpum (Kantkari) and Tribulus terrestris ( Gokshura)

Uses of Dashmoola Kwath

  • Aggravated Vata and kapha
  • Asthma, fever
  • Oedema, sciatica, arthritis, gout, backache
  • Very useful for post-delivery problems in woman such as
  • Weakness, low energy
  • Low appetite, fever
  • Pain in body, pain in pelvic region
  • Low haemoglobin level
  • Swelling in body

Dosage of Dashmoola Kwath

Dashmola kwath should be taken in dosage of 15 ml, with equal amount of water, twice a day. This decoction can also be prepared using Dashmula churna. For decoction or kadha preparation, 1 tola of Dashmul powder is boiled in 16 tola water, till volume reduces to 4 tola. This is filtered using thin cloth and given 2-3 times a day.

Plantacid Capsule & Suspension


Plantacid is an ayurvedic formulation for to treat acid peptic disorder, this comes in form of suspension and capsule. Acid peptic disorder is very common disease of modern world. This can cause diseases involve a variety of disorders that can affect the esophagus, stomach and duodenum and these diseases also decrease the quality of life and productivity of afflicted patients.

Ingredients of Plantacid

Each capsule contains extract derived from

Each 10 ml contains extract derived from

  • Yashti (Glycyrrhiza glabra) 50 mg
  • Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus)  50 mg
  • Amalaki (Emblica officinalis)  50 mg
  • Guduchi (Tinospora cordfolia)  50 mg
  • Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri)  50 mg
  • Bhrungaraja (Eclipta alba)  25 mg
  • Shunthi (Zingiber officinale)  25 mg
  • Shouktik [Muktashukti] Bhasma  120 mg

Uses of Plantacid

This medicine is very useful in treatment of Hyperacidity, heartburn, reflux esophagitis and other acid peptic disorders.

Health Benefits of Plantacid

  • Neutralises excessive acid.
  • Relieves heartburn and epigastric discomfort.
  • Promotes healing of gastric mucosa.
  • Offers quick symptomatic relief.

Dosage & Administration

Capsule: Take 2 capsule daily three time.

Syrup: 10 ml daily three time.

Always eat Bland diet while suffering from stomach disorders as it helps in recovery.

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